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Writer's pictureTrevor Davis

news update 2024-25

Our Fathers-house 

Happy Christmas and greetings to everyone – this year’s news concerning us and Our Fathers-House, to keep in touch and informed - we truly thank those who have supported OFH through the year with encouragement, prayer and financial support to meet different needs as the year progressed. We appreciate your ongoing prayers and support as the ‘reach’ of Our Fathers-House increases into many Nations -

Family: Always something going on!

This year has been a great family time, with many changes happening – Emily and Josh had their third baby this year, bringing much delight to everyone – she is growing quickly and will be 6 months in January - they are all doing well. Our first great grandchild is due in early January ‘25


We travelled to Melbourne in September-October to catch up with our Ozzie family, and granddaughters wedding, which I facilitated, it was a wonderful time out amongst the Vineyards in the Yara Valley– we enjoyed family catch ups – property development and selling, other family members back from traveling to many parts of the world and then, business opportunities that keep expanding including very active church life. It’s a real blessing to us to see the blessing of the Lord on their lives - 


Grandchildren are all on their individual journeys with employment, and travel to many places across the world – some enjoying the change of life after starting their own ‘life journeys’. It has been great to have some of our family visit us in Nelson also -    


We ministered into a Local Church while in Melbourne and caught up other leaders to encourage them in these changing times we live!


Church life: we have been active in Church life, seeking to serve and encourage believers wherever they are – understanding the needs of this generation to be encouraged and supported in their ‘walk with the Lord’ - We concluded the year with a Christmas event at Melrose House – it was a fantastic time of celebration and entertainment -


Summing up the year –

I heard a preacher recently speak on “Sow, Grow, Educate, Duplicate”, when I heard this my thoughts of growth and expansion of Our Fathers-House this year could be summed up with these thoughts.  


Sow - Sow the Seed of the Word of God and circulate it wide and far!


Growth has come from many listeners tuning into Our Fathers-House teaching snippets which are uploaded on Our Fathers-house U-tube channel weekly.


Educate, has been our experience as we mentor, educate and support Pastors/leaders across Nations – some of these are one on one in Q & A sessions to answer questions and advice. Very rewarding to hear their stories and testimonies!


Duplicate, this was bought to light this month when we received a call from Uganda, who has changed the name of their Church and Churches to “Our Father-House” – this is being promoted through their region and beyond.

Our theme through all of 2024 has been The Kingdom of God – it has been an exciting topic to teach. I taught on this same topic as a series in our local Church and now believing for ongoing revelation and release of the power of God as people embrace and apply these truths.

We are now at the end of 2024, looking back over family, ministry times, events and challengers across nations today – and more so as we move into 2025.

Our challenge for 2025 is that the Lord would Increase our Faith, and how to encourage Christians to hold firm in their faith and not to waiver. In this I am remined of the Parable in Matthew 25: concerning the 10 virgins and their lamps – it is worth noting the “The oil of God will never run out” it is for us to seek after Him and be diligent to His calling as Ambassadors to reconcile people to God.

The world is being challenged in many ways with the rise of wars, lawlessness, deceit, demonic activities and government changes across the world which are challenge the “Christian Church” - remembering “He that is withing you, is greater than he that is in the World (1 John 5: 9).

Our Fathers-House is active preaching, teaching, and preparing resources to support Christian growth, encouraging Leaders and Christians. There are many opportunities to share and resource the Church at a time when there appears to be a fresh breath of the Holy Spirit across the world creating revival – numerous salvations, baptisms with people being added to the Kingdom of God and His Church.    

We are very active ministering to pastors and leaders across Nations - mission fields – there are faith challenges and opportunities everywhere. Our Fathers-house provides weekly teaching to approx. 500 Churches every week – some nations include India, Pakistan, Kenya, Uganda. Rwanda, PNG, Australia, New Zealand, the Islands and beyond.   


Our Fathers-house activity:

Teaching – 

We continue our commitment into ‘2025’ to bring relevant teaching topics to support Pastors/Leaders and Church growth wherever possible – Over this past 5 years we have uploaded approx. 500 teaching sessions on Our Fathers-house” U-Tube channel.


Our Fathers-House has grown beyond all expectations, providing resources to numerous Pastors and Leaders across nations: over 600 churches ‘feed from’ weekly teaching – further we have given 120 (plus) teaching manuals this year which are being used in many local churches, then circulating to multiple ‘other ‘churches’


We also provide counsel and coaching for Pastors mainly across Australia and Asia which come from church related challenges depending on what they are experiencing at a given time – for us it has been a busy and satisfying year. 


Recording - technical support and constant upgrade of equipment and resources is always front of mind as we seek to be both relevant and provide as up to date recording and resources as possible.


Teaching Manuals - equipping

Teaching manuals can be accessed from Our Fathers-House web site which are helpful for doctrine, building our relationship with the Lord with other topics for strengthening local churches which are proving to be helpful to many people. I refer you to teaching material available on 



We appreciate ongoing prayer and support for the work of Our Fathers-house”. Knowing the Mind of the Lord in these days is crucial as we seek to do our part to observe, hear and prepare material for the “Body” – things are changing rapidly across the world, we consider the importance of being up to date with resources as crucial.     


Challenges for the Church 2025

I believe the Church needs to consider afresh the role of the Church ‘where we are’ and how we can be more effective with sharing the Gospel to reach the Lost – challenges concerning deception, plagues, spiritual tensions are very real and a concern to us, as we believe and know Christ is the answer to this changing world - it is how do we remain relevant.

Watch out and pray concerning lawlessness – deception – sicknesses – fear – world powers – Israel – unclear prophetic voices (many becoming political) – the mind of Christ for these days – confusion and falling away of many believers – moral confusion – demonic pressure building to oppose the Church and the saints – we must stand up to lead in our communities.     


We received a call recently from pastors in Rwanda and Kenya seeking support, resources and advice in planting and building Churches -

Rwanda recently experienced over 4000 Churches being closed - by local government authorities for a number of reasons – they are moving into ‘church cells’ and have requested support for moving forward!

A week later a Pastor called Kenya requesting support and requested to ‘print our manuals’ into their own language – we have given permission - they have a vision to plant churches – they asked if we could help them - The gratefulness of these pastors is overwhelming but encouraging.

We are now represented in: Uganda, Kenya, Pakistan, India, Thailand, PNG, New Zealand, Australia, Islands USA and many other places – we have received over 60 requests this last week from Pastors to be added to Our Fathers-House – to be included in what we are doing!    


Will you consider partnering with us? 

These Opportunities create a consistent focus and workload - would consider partnering with Our Fathers-house” in prayer and finances – to meet the cost of communication requirements, technical upgrades (continual) and other services that keep the Vision alive and active. These ‘news-updates’ are our way of sharing details and referencing our activities – We truly thank those who have and who continue to pray for the work we do including assisting with finances from time to time for needs and the Vision of O.F.H.  


We are constantly preparing new material to meet requests along with providing ‘one on one’ mentoring for pastors weekly/monthly from some of the named countries above.  


Details for financial support, I refer you to the link below:      


Encouragement 2025:

1 Corinthians 16:13 Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.

 1 Timothy 6:12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.


God bless you in your efforts to advance the Kingdom of God on earth.   


Trevor & Judith Davis

Co-labourers in advancing the Kingdom of God on Earth!

 P: +64 279 689979

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