Our Mission
Yes we would appreciate you partnering with us with prayer and financially:
Our Fathers House "co-labors" with ministries, leaders and Churches to encouraging, equip, teach and preach the Word of God with power and conviction - sharing the gospel hundreds of people across nations.
Over the past few years, we have prepared and taught numerous Bible topics from Our Fathers-house YouTube channel. Those interested can access more than 500 teaching videos. Snippets are uploaded weekly with teaching material on our YouTube channel.
Currently we speak with Pastors and Leaders across numerous churches including ministries outside of Pastoring across many nations including New Zealand, Australia, Africa, Asia, India, Pakistan and the Islands. We presently minister directly into churches in Uganda, India and Kenya – this represents approximately 400 plus pastors/leaders and local Churches. We walk with pastors communicating via phone through streets and villages speaking with people as they connect with them them going door to door, we walk with them (via phone link) where they introduce us to speak with them - people are being saved and healed as we share – it is indeed a wonderful opportunity!
I continue to write new material, including biblical doctrine, building His church, gifts ministries, Holy Spirit, the Kingdom of God and current issues relating to 'our times' refer Our Fathershouse "You-tube" channel any time.
We are expanding these opportunities with new initiatives being considered continually.
Trevor Davis
Trevor & Judith Davis & extended whanau.
As a Motivator and Equipper, Trevor Davis serves the Body of Christ, through Pastors, Leaders and Business as a consultant, facilitator, coach, and strategic vision planning. The purpose is to equip others to reach their potential in life and their calling. Trevor and his wife Judith have served as pioneers, senior pastors, itinerant ministry, business owners, and as a strategic consultant-facilitator to organizations. They have a burning zeal for the Kingdom of God and the Local Church with its Vision and purpose "to reach and equip people for their vocation across generations".
They minister with compassion and zeal the inexhaustible truths of the Word of God, bringing a refreshing perspective through practical application. Trevor's training background and as a senior consultation to business has equipped him well to teach, train and run seminars on a variety of topics.
Trevor continues to encourage leaders and advise leaders in business and Church life – his singular vision for his life is to support and equip the Church to function in realms of the Kingdom of God and see it manifested through our communities. This is facilitated from consultation, teaching resources, and speaking, Trevor’s teaching manuals are used in many places as a resource for equipping this generation with Biblical principles and Truth for the Word of God.
They provide an environment of openness and acceptance for people from all walks of life to be supported. Their commitment goes beyond denominational barriers. They live what they teach and demonstrate by example the Truths of the Word of God, demonstrating the power of the Kingdom of God, bringing people to the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
They have 5 daughters and 17 grandchildren with a growing family to 35 members.
Trevor and Judith are available for consideration in any aspect of Church and business life.
Contact: +64 27 968 9979