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To serve the Body of Christ through Preaching, Teaching, Training and Evangelism.

Judith & Trevor Davis

Founders of Our Fathers House

Trevor Davis

Partner With Us

Greetings friends – after many requests for an Update to Our fathers-house and its activities I have prepared this report to inform what has been happening as we seek to equip leaders to reach a world that is in desperate need of Jesus Christ. Many requests asking for teaching resources are continual, from which I prepare study specific to a need along with releasing our Teaching manuals to support Pastors and Leaders with their calling to reach out to the World and Build Churches.


We receive many requests for financial support which we are unable to provide for, as we are not Financial resource, Our Vison is provide  teaching in written for for those looking for teaching - I trust you enjoy reading this update - should you wish to partner with Our fathers-house then we would love to hear from you.     


Our fathers-house is active in sharing the Word of God across many Nations; some of these include Australia, India, Pakistan, Uganda, Kenya, Shi Lanka, Pacific Islands, PNG the Philippines and others that we don’t always hear about until they have a specific need.


Our vision has always been to provide teaching resources as a support and advice for equipping ministries for the present and the future – we are not a financial resource center!


We receive requests for online ministry, mentoring, counsel and teaching materials, our response includes; weekly teaching on Our Fathers-House U-Tube channel which presently circulates to over 600 Churches across Nations uploaded every week. 


We receive many requests for online preaching and requests to visit different Countries - we are unable to accommodate these opportunities, however from time to time we are able to provide advice - we are aware of the tremendous need for ministry - our commitment is to support each request with support prayer and encouragement!     


PLEASE CONSIDER supporting The Vision of Our Fathers-house as it prepares and provides teaching resources, live teaching and  Counsel, mentoring and encouragement to Pastors Leaders and Christians across many Nations.   

                 I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work.  John 9:4


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