A 59 page study manual that can be used by yourself or in groups: churches, house churches, cell groups, cafe discussion.
We are living in some of the most critical days in history with increasing onslaught of the ‘works of the darkness/devil’ and the climaxing of an age – there is a ‘war’ in the minds of people from the efforts of the world and increasing intensity for control - I suspect the devil knows his time is short. We are being bombarded with all kind of lies, deception, witchcraft activities and evil supernatural manifestations across the world.
This material has been prepared to support Christians and the true Church to rise and take her authority in resisting opposing powers! Because of this onslaught we need to understand the responsibility of the Church to rise in warfaring prayer.
N.B. This is the hard copy edition.
Spiritual Warfare - The 3rd Millennium
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